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Nuit Blanche 2024: Arpillera «Don’t forget me»
A workshop with Sarabeth Triviño

A patchwork workshop

Saturday, March 2, 2024

from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.

The exhibition will be open to the
public until midnight

SBC Contemporary art gallery

To reserve your place, send us an e-mail at

For the 21st edition of Nuit Blanche, on Saturday March 2, 2024, the SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art invites you to take part in the Arpillera workshop "Don’t Forget Me", led by Chilean artist Sarabeth Triviño. This event is part of a series of workshops organized by La Colectiva, a group of five Chilean women. For the past nine months, they have been organizing various workshops with the aim of bringing together the community of Montreal and beyond to co-create a large arpillera entitled "Don’t Forget Me", marking the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile.


The arpillera, a patchwork made from various pieces of fabric, is of significant importance in Chilean textile tradition. During the military dictatorship, women gathered to denounce human rights violations by embroidering and sewing together these pieces of fabric.


La Colectiva's arpillera workshops invite participants to collectively create small fabric figures, in the style of the Chilean arpillera, representing the more than 3,000 victims of the military dictatorship. This collective process aims to keep alive the memory of the disappeared, the murdered, the exiled and those who had to leave, creating an absence that will never be filled again. Join us for a few hours during the Nuit Blanche for this collective work. Reserve your place by writing to us at


The exhibition Histoiry(ies) of Territoiry(ies), featuring the work of artists Jessica Houston and Laurence Butet-Roch, will be open to the public during the evening.  Both artists are deeply interested in environmental justice and the construction of narratives through the prism of colonial history and territorial violations.

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